With an incisive curiosity to explore the world, she started a couple of start-ups in Mexico and Canada and completed her MBA degree. Realizing that the only rest resides in the inner being, she immersed herself in yoga in a quest to understand the mysteries of the self.

Touring a large part of India and getting certified in Ashtanga-Vinyasa and Yin Yoga she ended up with some of the most renowned teachers of the ancient holistic science of Ayurveda in Indonesia.

Intuitively, she discovered the secrets and benefits of conscious breathing with Dr. Belisa Vranich in the United States, her practice and classes exemplify the subtle balance between body, mind and spirit.


A strong motivation to delve into the secrets of consciousness has led him for the past 25 years to experience deep moments of meditation and introspection from remote caves in the Himalayas to sacred places across Asia, to shamanic experiences across America.

Additionally, a strong instruction in philosophy and history of yoga have led him to study various styles such as Anusara Yoga, Ashtanga-Vinyasa, Power Vinyasa, Dharma Yoga Vinyasa krama, Rocket among others.

He has managed to merge his unique and unusual path with a thriving and very successful corporate career, being the CEO of a Canadian transnational, recognizing that the path of meditation opens every lock.